Movies Recommender System

Thaker Namrata
4 min readOct 12, 2020


I have built a Simple Recommender using movies from the Full Dataset whereas all personalized recommender systems will make use of the small dataset (due to the computing power I possess being very limited). As a first step, I have build my simple recommender system. Then I have also implemented contend based recommender.

Simple Recommender

The Simple Recommender offers generalized recommendations to every user based on movie popularity and (sometimes) genre. The basic idea behind this recommender is that movies that are more popular and more critically acclaimed will have a higher probability of being liked by the average audience. This model does not give personalized recommendations based on the user.

The implementation of this model is extremely trivial. All we have to do is sort our movies based on ratings and popularity and display the top movies of our list. As an added step, we can pass in a genre argument to get the top movies of a particular genre.

md['genres'] = md['genres'].fillna('[]').apply(literal_eval).apply(lambda x: [i['name'] for i in x] if isinstance(x, list) else [])

I used the TMDB Ratings to come up with our Top Movies Chart. I will use IMDB’s weighted rating formula to construct my chart. Mathematically, it is represented as follows:

Weighted Rating (WR) = (vv+m.R)+(mv+m.C)(vv+m.R)+(mv+m.C)


  • v is the number of votes for the movie
  • m is the minimum votes required to be listed in the chart
  • R is the average rating of the movie
  • C is the mean vote across the whole report

The next step is to determine an appropriate value for m, the minimum votes required to be listed in the chart. We will use 95th percentile as our cutoff. In other words, for a movie to feature in the charts, it must have more votes than at least 95% of the movies in the list.

Content Based Recommender

The recommender we built in the previous section suffers some severe limitations. For one, it gives the same recommendation to everyone, regardless of the user’s personal taste. If a person who loves romantic movies (and hates action) were to look at our Top 15 Chart, s/he wouldn’t probably like most of the movies. If s/he were to go one step further and look at our charts by genre, s/he wouldn’t still be getting the best recommendations.

For instance, consider a person who loves Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, My Name is Khan and Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham. One inference we can obtain is that the person loves the actor Shahrukh Khan and the director Karan Johar. Even if s/he were to access the romance chart, s/he wouldn’t find these as the top recommendations.

To personalize our recommendations more, I have build an engine that computes similarity between movies based on certain metrics and suggests movies that are most similar to a particular movie that a user liked. Since we will be using movie metadata (or content) to build this engine, this also known as Content Based Filtering.

I have build two Content Based Recommenders based on:

  • Movie Overviews and Taglines

i) Movie Description Based Recommender

First I have build a recommender using movie descriptions and taglines. We do not have a quantitative metric to judge our machine’s performance so this will have to be done qualitatively.

Cosine Similarity

I will be using the Cosine Similarity to calculate a numeric quantity that denotes the similarity between two movies. Mathematically, it is defined as follows:


Since I have used the TF-IDF Vectorizer, calculating the Dot Product will directly give us the Cosine Similarity Score. Therefore, I will use sklearn’s linear_kernel instead of cosine_similarities since it is much faster.

cosine_sim = linear_kernel(tfidf_matrix, tfidf_matrix)cosine_sim[0]


array([ 1.        ,  0.00680476,  0.        , ...,  0.        ,
0.00344913, 0. ])

We now have a pairwise cosine similarity matrix for all the movies in our dataset. The next step is to write a function that returns the 30 most similar movies based on the cosine similarity score.

Collaborative Filtering

Our content based engine suffers from some severe limitations. It is only capable of suggesting movies which are close to a certain movie. That is, it is not capable of capturing tastes and providing recommendations across genres.

Also, the engine that we built is not really personal in that it doesn’t capture the personal tastes and biases of a user. Anyone querying our engine for recommendations based on a movie will receive the same recommendations for that movie, regardless of who s/he is.

Therefore, in this section, we will use a technique called Collaborative Filtering to make recommendations to Movie Watchers. Collaborative Filtering is based on the idea that users similar to a me can be used to predict how much I will like a particular product or service those users have used/experienced but I have not.

I will not be implementing Collaborative Filtering from scratch. Instead, I will use the Surprise library that used extremely powerful algorithms like Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to minimize RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and give great recommendations.



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